Network Events
For listening network events such as player connections, leave, etc, you should implement IRagonListener interface, also you can implement only partial of interface:
- IRagonAuthorizationListener
- IRagonConnectionListener
- IRagonFailedListener
- IRagonJoinListener
- IRagonLeftListener
- IRagonOwnerhshipChangedListener
- IRagonPlayerJoinListener
- IRagonPlayerLeftListener
Example setup:
public class GameNetwork : MonoBehaviour, IRagonListener
private void Start()
Connected to Relay Server
public void OnConnected()
Disconnected from Ragon Relay
public void OnDisconnected()
Authorized on Relay Server, received server assigned playerId and playerName, and we can join/create room in lobby.
public void OnAuthorized(string playerId, string playerName)
RagonNetwork.Session.CreateOrJoin("Example", 1, 20);
Joined successfully to room
public void OnJoined()
Failed to join to room with the error message
public void OnFailed(string message)
Debug.LogError("Failed with " + message);
Left successfully from the current room
public void OnLeft()
Another player joined to current room
public void OnPlayerJoined(RagonPlayer player)
Debug.Log("On Joined " + player.Name);
Another player left the current room
public void OnPlayerLeft(RagonPlayer player)
Debug.Log("On Left " + player.Name);
New player become owner of room
public void OnOwnershipChanged(RagonPlayer player)
Debug.Log("New room owner " + player.Name);
The server requested to load a new map, you should load a new scene and call RagonNetwork.Room.SceneLoaded()
public void OnLevel(string sceneName)
Debug.Log("Level " + sceneName);
RagonNetwork.Room.SceneLoaded() // Ready to receive updates